dimecres, de juliol 25, 2007


Hasta hace unas semanas, para mí Neal Adams era un dibujante de cómics de superhéroes, responsable de maravillas como la de la derecha.

Hace poco más de diez días tropecé en Internet con otra faceta suya. El bueno de Neal cuenta con un sitio web oficial desde donde vende originales, anuncia su empresa Continuity y... bueno, cuelga piezas de animación que intentan demostrar que tanto nuestra Tierra como otros planetas y satélites están creciendo. Algunos de los vídeos tienen ya unos años, pero como yo me entero tarde de todo, es ahora cuando me subo al carro.

Vale, el hombre niega la subducción, pero no dejemos que el fanatismo nos impida ver lo que hay detrás. Es un hecho que la teoría existe desde hace décadas, y que se pasó por ella para llegar a la actual deriva continental. La expansión es otra forma de componer el puzzle compuesto por las placas tectónicas. Lo fascinante es que las piezas propuestas por la teoría de la expansión encajan. A este respecto, me encanta sobre todo ver cómo encajan las placas de Europa, la sexta luna de Júpiter, en este vídeo.

Por mi parte, creo que no es tanta locura. Aceptamos el Big Bang y que el Universo se expande. Vemos cómo cada día crecen todos los seres vivos de la Tierra. Vale, crecer será un proceso natural, pero a servidor, que germine una semilla hasta convertirse en un árbol de decenas de metros; que llegado un momento, embriones que parecían iguales formen brazos, alas o aletas, según su especie; o que las frutas tengan diferentes sabores y, a pesar de ello, nos gusten; no dejan de parecerle maravillas de primer orden. Si todo a nuestro alrededor crece, ¿por qué no va a hacerlo la misma Tierra? (Incluso compartimos un porcentaje de agua similar).

Os dejo aquí el vídeo principal de Neal Adams colgado en youtube, donde explica lo básico (que no es poco). Está en inglés. He tenido la paciencia suficiente como para transcribir el texto de la voz over casi en su totalidad (no, no tengo ganas de traducirlo). Cuando no estoy seguro de algunas palabras o ni siquiera sé qué ha dicho, lo indico entre corchetes (a veces no son palabras, sino lo que me parece haber entendido). Si alguno tiene mejor oído que yo, le pido por favor que me ayude a llenar los espacios en blanco.


«We come to the Earth which well grew to get here to wait us now. Here's our world, our planet Earth, floating in space. We will be going backward in time. Imperfectly, but done in a very discipline manner, please notice there is no subduction, no rotation of tectonic plates, no twisting, no form fitting. No [utterly] shapes or sizes. It would be impossible, impossible for these continental plates to fit together perfectly, without this being true and yet the upper tectonic plates fit together perfectly... on a much smaller planet.

«Yes, there's been some erosion, land slide, bla bla, but overall, this activity is insignificant. There is a kind of conspiracy of silence among certain scientists. They know, but are not telling you, that the upper tectonic plates of Earth also join in the Pacific. Not partially. They join totally. You are ask to believe that the continents, [smem] or drift about, willy-nilly, bumping and crashing as if they were [--- rescaling]. This is not true. The simple truth is apparently too upseting to too many [apocards]. We are now going forward in time to show how the actual growth of the Earth took place. Imperfect as the details, but the overall is [nailed].

«Antarctica, as you see, has become subtropical. Africa, on a smaller globe move way downward onto the globe. In fact, for hundreds of millions of years, the bottom of Africa was the South Pole. South America's tail goes under and rubs around the bottom of Africa. Then, incredibly, joins coast with Antarctica. Sixty five million years ago, and more, these continents were joined and marsupials like the duck [beak] Platypus roamed from Australia, Antarctica and across southern South America and up into Africa. The Platypus. Dinosaurs roamed all over this world, on the upper tectonic plate, because there were no oceans, just shallow seas. Here today, Antarctica, is frozen over, and Australia and the surrounding islands are the remaining home of marsupials.

«Do you see how broadly the Pacific is opening compare to the Atlantic? This is exactly why the [Nature] Pangea theory exists. The Pacific spread is too difficult to easily visualize because it's so big. The Atlantic spread is so obvious that a child would recognize it, but they are the same.

«Check this map out. The navy and others took core samples to find the ages of the sea bottom. [Low and behold] no part of the undersea was found to be much older than seventy millions years old. Does that shock you? It should, it shocked the scientists. Where do they get ancient fish fossils from? From the land, like in Mississippi, and Utah, and France, and China. Most of the undersea wasn't there, seventy years to eighty million years ago. The measurements of the core samples give the age of the sea floor. Newest, ten million or so, is red. As we go back in time, we go backward in a rainbow, orange, yellow, green, blue... OK? So we bury the new sea floor back to the [fold] lines as dictated by colour or age.

«Ten million years back. These are the ages of the sea floor as measured by science and they're generally true. Earth grew. Twenty million. I'm not making this information up. This map comes
from the scientific community. Thirty million. You can find the same map in many places on the Internet. It's common knowledge. Forty. The ocean bottom is from one year to one hundred and eighty million years old. Fifty. 70% of it is no older than sixty million years old. Sixty. The upper plate, the continents, are [result] as two billion years old and more. Seventy. Ten to twenty times is old as the undersea plates. The undersea plate is new, and spreading at the rifts.

«Why does the scientific community desperately claim to and promote the idea that the ocean bottom is sliding unto the continents and into a magma which is twice as dense as solid granit? A totally, unsupportable, unscientifically, unsound idea? They have to. [---] they have to observe and admit that the Earth is growing. And that, viewers, is a very big deal. That would change everything in science, from the smallest particle to the whole Universe. One hundred years of scientific theory out the window. That's a lot to give up. It's important to remember that science and the universe should and must be easier to understand... as we go back in the universe's evolution.

«This is an undersea map. There's a kind of test for ourselves, we [dinged] important to show that not only the upper plate had to fit properly together but the undersea had to spread in a logical reasonable pattern that we could see and understand as rational viewers. Do you see those lines in the undersea which beyond the information show direction? The direction of movement, apart and away from the rifts. In fact, is like a movement diagram, isn't it?

«Ah, we're moving now. Let me point out that the newer undersea near the rifts is smoother and more regular than the older land further away from the rifts. Here in the Atlantic the rift goes right at the middle.

«Half of the Earth growth has happened since the extinction of dinosaurs. This means that the Earth is accelerating in its growth. In the last 65 million years Earth nearly doubled its size. The last [doubling] took 6 hundred million years --at least.

«We continue in all the indicated undersea directions like following a blueprint. The Earth guides us. And now the land masses will come together. Perfectly.

«As we now go forward in time, from a hundred and eighty five million years ago, please notice there is no subduction, no raising nor lowering of land masses. That can't be. It's hell in the form of magma down there. Local raising and lowering, yes, but not on a massive basis. It can't happen. There's no turning, rotating of land masses. The land masses sit in their individual plates and don't move. The rifts open, that's all.

«For examination, I'm going to run a few vignetes of each area of Earth that you have a right to be curious about.

«The North Pole. Man, I love this map so much. There was a piece on a recent National Geo. It shows that the trees in Asia and North America were exactly the same trees. Well, this is why. The land was together when the trees evolved.

«The South Pole.

«The oceans have absolutely nothing to do with tectonic spreading, except that they cool the thickening mantle. Tectonic spreading, even according to the most conservative scientists, has created two thirds of the Earth's surface in the last two hundred million years, and therefore, the same, the same must be true on all planets. Including Mars. Must! And we can see the younger spreads on Mars just as on Earth. But there is, just as clearly, no subduction on Mars.

«It can't be both ways. You either have spreading and subduction, or you have only spreading. And you must have spreading. Or... you can continue to ignore the facts and say, as the anciants said, that the Earth is unique and singular in the Universe and that we are the centre and the Universe rotates around the Earth».

Ea, hasta dentro de unos días (o no).

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